Conduct And Discipline

- Students will come to school on time and in clean and proper uniform, according to the season.
- Pupils moving along the corridors or changing the class, must walk in silence in a single file without making noise with their shoes.
- No student shall remain in the classroom during the break, P.T. period and the Morning Assembly without the permission of the class-teacher.
- Students found in possession of obscene pictures, books or mobiles will be dealt with severely. They may be expelled or rusticated from School.
- The School is not responsible for goods or money borrowed or lost. Each student is responsible for his/her belongings. Students are advised not to bring precious items/jewellery to School. The School will not be responsible for any kind of loss.
- The School's property must be taken care of. No student should scratch or spoil a desk or chair or damage any furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damages done, even by accident, should be reported, at once, to the School authorities, Any damage done will be made good by the one responsible for it.
- The School reserves the right to expel a student who is irregular in attendance or whose progress in studies is found unsatisfactory, or whose conduct in the school or outside is questionable or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards. Disrespect to teachers, contempt of authority, wilful damage to school's property are always sufficient reasons for expulsion.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school premises without the Principal's permission.
- The students of BBPS should behave in a courteous manner, wherever they go. They should always remember that the School is judged by their conduct. They should greet the teachers and parents when they meet them.
- Parents and guardians must not visit their wards or the teachers in the classrooms.
- All students are expected to speak in English on the School Campus.
- All the students must bring the School diary to School, everyday.
- Students must not wear any jewellery or nail polish when they come to School.
- No student must disturb other classes for petty reasons.
- In case you want to celebrate your child's birthday in the School, it should be restricted to distribution of sweets/toffees only.
Contact Info
- Lalitpur Road, Rajgarh, Jhansi
- +(91) 8417001103, +(91)8417001104, +(91)8417001107
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