About School

Education is the most complex issue of our times. In the past, it was sufficient that some children performed well while others faled behind. Today, every child must be our focus and every child must succeed by succeeding means every child must do the best. relative to his/her Innate potential. (Education's ethic to not to compete with other "The new principle of education is to compete with yourself".)
Every child is capable of becoming a contributing member of a family and of the community and is herefore already successful if we visualize a good outcome, we will get good outcome. We see a mighty tree within each sapling and we provide it the best conditions for its full potential to be realized because we at Blue Bells believe that every child can and must excet The thrust of the Blue Bells academic programme and its objective are presented in the next few pages for each stage of development as follows.
Pre Primary Years
Joyfull (Encouragement)
Primary Years
Formative (Encouragement)
Middle Year (Junior)
Eventful (Encouragement)
Senior Year
Victorious (Encouragement)
Blue Bells provides a rich learning experience for its students and teaches them the value of both hard and smart work, goals and outcomes for each stage of development are clearly articulate. Teachers rocolve training in advanced methods of teaching and learning. This last year, we have laid special emphasis on service Training of the pre-primary teachers.
Contact Info
- Lalitpur Road, Rajgarh, Jhansi
- +(91) 8417001103, +(91)8417001104, +(91)8417001107
- 70712@cbseshiksha.in
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