
- All the students are expected to attend the School on the opening day after each of the vacations.
- It is compulsory for the students to complete 80% of their attendance in the academic year to make them eligible for promotion to the next class.
- A student suffering from a contagious disease will not be permitted to attend School till a doctor's certificate is produced, permitting him to do so.
- No student, who has been absent, will be admitted to the class till a leave application, duly signed by the parents, is given to the class teacher. If a student is absent on medical grounds, parents should send an application on the first day of his absence. A medical certificate must be submitted, thereafter.
- A student who has been absent for more than five consecutive days, will get his/her leave sanctioned by the Principal.
- Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for a period of 15 days or more renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls.
Contact Info
- Lalitpur Road, Rajgarh, Jhansi
- +(91) 8417001103, +(91)8417001104, +(91)8417001107
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